Sunrise Inspection Services
We Inspect Your Dream Property
714-915-2443 Established 1999 Our Phones Never Sleep

Our inspectors are all proud members of ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) and/or CREIA (California Real Estate Inspection Association) , the two major professional organizations for property inspectors in California. Both ASHI and CREIA require members to meet and adhere to all membership standards; they set forth our standards of practice, they mandate our strict code of ethics and they require continual education in the property inspection industry.
Your report will describe the property conditions on the date of the inspection, to current ASHI and CREIA standards -- where there are differences between the two we adhere to the strictest. Within the ASHI and CREIA tandards, our judgment is based upon locally accepted practice for comparable properties with respect to quality and workmanship allowing for reasonable wear and tear of prior occupancy. The IRC Code is one source we take into account, but our service is not a code compliance inspection.
Inaccessible features, and cosmetic considerations are specifically excluded from the scope of this report. We test components with normal operating controls and do not break down nor take apart any system. Our work is not technically exhaustive and does not include tests such as an appropriate professional might perform on any given system. Our fees do not include guarantees or warranties either expressed or implied.
Some features are not inspected. For instance: Sewer drainage, which can become blocked without warning; timer controlled devices; thermostats and similar control devices are not checked for calibration; security systems; elevators; and personal property such as refrigerators and drapes. We cannot judge what we cannot see, such as conditions hidden within walls, beneath rugs, or deliberately masked. We do not dismantle, turn on gas service to appliances, nor venture into or onto areas, which our judgment may be hazardous. The inspection is strictly limited to those items detailed in this report. Please visit
We are proud to offer and use the 3D Inspection Systems reporting software. All inspections are computer generated with color digital photography where needed. To keep costs down and to help the Environment our reports are delivered via email in PDF format before 8AM the day following the inspection.
We're here to help and encourage you so please call if you have any questions.
Our business is mostly through referrals and we would appreciate you recommending our service to your family, friends and associates who may be in need of a property inspection.
We serve Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

Residential - Buyer's - Commercial - Seller's Inspections
For your full property inspection, we will provide you with an inclusive inspection which covers the readily accessible systems and components or a representative number of multiple similar components of the property. The items examined in your, Sunrise Inspection Services, property inspection are listed below:
--Foundation,Basement, and Underfloor Areas -- Exterior -- Roof Covering --Attic Areas and Roof Framing -- Plumbing -- Electrical -- Heating and Cooling -- Fireplaces and Chimneys -- Building Interior -- Pool and Spa
Full Property Inspection Process
Inspection time is several hours, depending on the size, age and general condition of the property.
It is highly recommend that you are present for the inspection, but it is not necessary. By following through the inspection, observing and asking questions, you will learn a lot about the property and its components.
Sewer Inspections
We proudly also offer main sewer line inspections. Sewer inspections are important because any problems with the main sewer line are the financial responsibility of the property owner. If there are conditions within the sewer line that cleaning won’t solve the repairs can be expensive. Most main sewer lines are made from materials that wear out and are prone to damage as the result of seismic activity, tree roots, ground settling and the disposal of caustic liquids. Roughly 88-92% of residential buildings are found to have a problem during a sewer line inspection. Homes that are more than 50 – 60 years old have main sewer lines that have exceeded their life expectancy.
No home is immune to sewer problems. Any age home, new or older, can have problems with the main sewer drain. Since there is no clear dividing line between homes that should or should not have a sewer scan, it is a good idea to have one done.
Each sewer scan includes a report that is incorporated into your home inspection report or a standalone separate report with digital pictures and a link to the video on YouTube . The additional fee for this is $225.00 with a scheduled home inspection and there must be a readily accessible clean-out (cannot remove toilets) there is an additional fee if the scan has to go through the 4 inch main roof stack (single story buildings only). Sewer inspections can be schedule most any time up until or after the date of the Home Inspection.
Pool & Spa
For your full pool/spa inspection, we will provide you with an inclusive inspection which covers the readily accessible systems and components of the pool/spa. The purpose of the inspection is to provide the Client with information regarding the general condition of the pool/spa. The items examined in your, Sunrise Inspection Services, pool/spa inspection are listed below:
-- Pool/Spa Vessel -- Pool/Spa Barriers -- Pool/Spa Plumbing -- Pool/Spa Electrical -- Pool/Spa Heating
Infrared Thermal Imaging
Thermography is the non-invasive non-destructive use of a thermal imaging camera, to detect and measure the thermal energy (temperature) emitting from an object. Thermal imaging use in residential, commercial and industrial applications measures temperature variations to locate moisture intrusion origination, overheated electrical components, missing insulation and other thermally inefficient problem areas. The use of an infrared scan can pinpoint the problem location thus avoiding potential damage or harm, costly unnecessary destruction and potential downtime. Contact us to see what we can do for you.
For the best non-invasive means of diagnosing and monitoring the conditions of residential, commercial and industrial properties Sunrise Infrared Services uses only FLIR™ radiometric imagers that give the clearest images available in a hand-held device.
If It Gives Off Infrared Radiation We Can See It!!
Home Maintenance Inspection
We at Sunrise Inspection Services advises property owners and sellers to consider a “physical home check up” to ensure that they are fully informed on the current conditions and components of their property. A property that has not been recently inspected may have undiscovered, minor or major maintenance items that could lead to a significant financial expense to correct or even replace if not discovered.
Your property is your largest single investment and asset. Properties now cost significantly more than just a few years ago and a well maintained property will protect your investment. Your property is not unlike your automobile in that it undergoes wear and tear. But often, this normal wear and tear goes unnoticed by the property owner. Awareness and routine maintenance is required.
Your property may have some type of electrical condition that could pose a potential safety hazard. And moisture intrusion damage and plumbing leaks are the largest repair expense of property owners face today. Additionally, heating and air conditioning units that have deficiencies can cost you money in higher utility bills, while often posing health and safety concerns.
An inspection by a qualified professional inspector is recommended at least every five years. You are encouraged to attend the inspection, and to accompany the inspector throughout his/her evaluations. By observing and asking questions, you will learn about your property and get tips on general maintenance and other pertinent information that will be of great help (and savings) to you. You will also be provided with a written inspection report for your reference.

Concrete debris at 70 feet into main sewer

Unknown object in main sewer

CONTACT US 714-915-2443
Unknown debris at 70 feet into main sewer
Root intrusion into main sewer
Root intrusion and major blockage
Root intrusion & pipe offest